From the Heart

There has been another break since I have been here. Sorry. Can I use the excuse that I have been busy gardening? (with maybe a little trip to Japan and family time).


 I feel like I have really progressed in regard to expanding the garden and edging towards making a contribution to our Fair Food System. Not that I have been able to grow enough yet, but the raised garden beds are all planted out now and we have four market gardens that we have just built and are now planting out. With the amount of garden space we have now established we will definitely be able to grow a large amount of food to share with family, friends and the community. That is really exciting to me.
My limited experience and knowledge in gardening makes me feel a little overwhelmed at times. That's ok. What has always motivated me since moving to this farm and starting these different projects is that as long as they come from the heart and really mean something to me. That's all that matters. 

From the heart.
Tash xx