Start with WHY

I watched this fascinating Ted Talks segment yesterday which made me start to think that I should share with you more about the WHY of A Plot in Common, more so than the WHAT and HOW.

There are many reasons for my WHY, but here are two.

Firstly, I've touched on the incredible joy and satisfaction that this farm has given us. The recently new journey in growing our own food and what that means to us. To give others the opportunity to grow food, make a connection with their food, and make that one less trip to the supermarket, would make me deeply happy!!

Secondly,  I have become very passionate and concerned, like many of us, in where we as 'consuming beasts' are headed. So I hope by opening my world to others we might reassess our consumption and think more about giving and sharing....

There are so many ways we can GROW, don't you agree?

Tash xxxx

The grow page

  I've decided to use this page as a place to keep you updated on how we are 'growing' here at A Plot in Common. It will, I suppose, be a blog but with more videos and photos than words. I'm not much of a writer so I will make up for it will lots of visuals!

I hope that this page will give you ideas, inspiration and a sense of being a part of our farm.

This is a new and exciting venture that we hope we can share with as many people as possible.

Welcome to A Plot in Common!

Tash xxx